Journal Articles


Walking a Fine Line: Loyalty, Betrayal and the Moral and Gendered Bargains of Resistance.
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
40(1): 119-132.

On the gendered expectations of loyalty and dangers of treason in resistance movements.

Introduction: Between Loyalty and Critique: Gender, Morality, Militancy.
With Esin Düzel. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 40(1): 115-118.

How are resistance movements able to sustain political commitment and morale amid ongoing state violence? Introduction to a special issue on loyalty, critique, and treason within the resistance.


Archived Voices, Acoustic Traces and the Reverberations of Kurdish History in Modern Turkey.
Comparative Studies in Society and History 61(2): 447-473. (Recipient of Best Article Award in Kurdish Political Studies 2020)

On turning voices into archives and the potentialities of sound as historical critique.


‘It Used to Be Forbidden’: Kurdish Women and the Limits of Gaining Voice.
Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 14(1): 3-24.

On the limits of “gaining voice” and the dilemmas that ensue when voices become audible in public.


Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.

How has voice featured in anthropological analysis and what might it tell us about our
everyday lives?

Writing Against Loss: Kurdish Women, Subaltern Authorship, and the Politics of Voice in Contemporary Turkey.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 23(3): 543-561.

What’s the appeal of writing and authorship in a context marked by legacies of silencing?

Jineology: From Women’s Struggle to Social Liberation
An interview with Necîbe Qeredaxî, with Brecht Neven for ROAR Magazine, 2017.

As a liberatory framework emerging from the Kurdish movement, jineology places women at the center of the struggle against patriarchy, capitalism and the state


Ruined Futures: Managing Instability in Post-Earthquake Van (Turkey).
Social Anthropology
24(2): 228-242.

On natural and political disasters and the difficulty to imagine futures in the midst of ruination.


Being Sick of Politics: The Production of Dengbêjî as Kurdish Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Turkey.
European Journal of Turkish Studies 20.

On the making of cultural heritage as a sphere distinct from politics.


Projecting a Body Politic: Photographs, Time, and Immortality in the Kurdish Movement.
Anthropological Quarterly 96 (2): 307-333.

On the potency of photography to project a revolutionary body politic.


Book Chapters


“Tracing Connections: Kurdish Women Singers and the Ambiguities of Owning Oral Tradition.”
In Diversity and Contact Among Singer-Poet
Traditions in Eastern Anatolia edited by Martin Greve, Wendelmoet Hamelink and Ulaş Özdemir, 77-93. Baden-Baden: Ergon.

On how imperatives to “have a voice” transform oral genres from collective commons into personal property


In Methodological Approaches in Kurdish Studies: Theoretical and Practical Insights from the Field
edited by Bahar Baser, Begüm Zorlu and Yasin Duman, 69-83. Lanham: Lexington Books.

On the practical challenges and ethical dilemmas of conducting fieldwork in politically polarized settings.


“2011 Van Depremi: Bir mücadele alanı olarak ‘yardım’ (The 2011 Van Earthquake: ‘Aid’ as a field of contestation).”
With Aylin Çelik. In Sınır Bilgisi: Siyasal İktidar, Toplumsal Mekan ve Kadına Yönelik Şiddet (Boundary Knowledge: Political Power, Social Space and Violence against Women)edited by Elif Çelebi, Didem Havlioğlu and Ebru Kayaalp. Istanbul: Ayizi. (non-refereed)

On contestations surrounding “aid” following the Van earthquakes of 2011.

  ©Marlene Schafers